#1 Adjustment Creation – General
topThrough this procedure it is possible to calculate the accrued and deferred data related to the ledger record within database: they are adjustments/integrations (respectively deferred and accrued) related to insurances, rents, leasing or service fees that belong to a certain period.
The necessary conditions to get advantages of this procedures are:
1) In the “Account Type” Tab, the economic account type to be adjusted are defined. They have the “Service” flag active. The calculation is made, as it happens in the mid-term balance, not for every detail account but just for those that have this cost/profit account type within the chart of accounts.
2) In the Accounting parameters, the standard detail accounts for the detection of deferred/accrued active/passive movements are defined.
3) The ranges of the accrual economic dates are well used in the accounting movements. If the user wants to use this option, we suggest to set the user insertion parameters with the option “No date for types of services account” in order to force the user to insert, every time, the range of economic dates for the single movement.
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013